Working to encourage good mental health among young women – Part 1

Through Kendal group members, SBS for Cumbria and surrounding areas is involved in a new initiative with Cumbria South Guides that could make a huge positive difference in Cumbria and beyond in future. Here, SBS member, Claire van Grinsven, introduces the project and shares her feelings and first impressions about getting involved.


“Being a Newbie to SBS, I quickly worked out that my life has suddenly gone down a very different path. It’s often hard but one of the consequences of this is that you also end up meeting a lot of people that you wouldn’t normally have crossed paths with, and some of those people are quite extraordinary.

“I met a few of those people one Tuesday night in May at Rusland Pool Hotel. I joined a group of South Cumbria Guiding Leaders who were discussing a new badge to honour one of their former young leaders, Heather, who sadly took her life. Heather’s mother, Sarah and sister, Emily have been part of SBS since their bereavement and they were there to promote this initiative and to meet those making it happen. It was clear to see not only the passion these people have to genuinely help young people have a great start in life, but also a commitment to grasping something positive out of such a heart-breaking situation.

Group photo from Girlguiding meeting for Heather’s memorial challenge badge: R to L Emily Porter (Heather’s sister) Sarah Milligan (Heather’s Ma) Vikki Boggon (Every Life Matters) Barb Littlewood (Guiding leader) Claire van Grinsven (SBS) Glenn Wright (Guiding volunteer) Sue Gudgeon (Guiding leader) Ellysha Porter (Em’s wife/sister-in-law to Heather).

The plan is for a new Guiding badge to be named in memory of Heather and to be encouraged and promoted locally in the county before, hopefully, being rolled out across the country.

The group met to discuss plans for a Mental Health Awareness evening in October, which will bring together Rangers, Young Leaders and Young Adults Leaders to learn more and to think about their own Mental Health. They’ll take part in a day of activities and have opportunities to meet with professionals from Mental Health teams and organisations so that they can then write the syllabus for the new badge.

The aim is to create something with an emphasis on supporting these young people’s mental health and wellbeing as well as promoting suicide awareness. The day will also include much needed pampering sessions and lots of opportunities to share their own experiences.

Being part of the kick off meeting, I saw how many good organisations full of these extraordinary people are out there.  Supporters of the July day include SBS, 3 Dad's Walking, Every Life Matters, Papyrus, SAFA (Self Harm Awareness for All) and local NHS Mental Health teams. These are all support networks that I had no real knowledge of previously but appreciate much more now. SBS will have a stall at the event and will also be supporting me, Sarah and Emily as we participate in the project.

So, even though I feel like I’m at the start of a hard path, these people are beacons of light along the way and for that I am very grateful. I’ll be keeping in touch with the planning team and hope to be able to update SBS regularly via the website.”


Thanks, Claire – for getting involved with this on our behalf and for your update. If anyone would like further information about this project, please get in touch via the usual emails address and we will pass on your message. Or you can find out more about Girl Guiding in South Cumbria online at