New books added to our Resources list

Many of our members have found other people’s stories, poetry and experiences useful in their grieving, survival and living with bereavement by suicide.

That’s why the Resources section of our website is one of the biggest sections and it’s also one that we’re constantly updating and developing to cover new recommendations.

We’ve recently added the following Books to our lists – and the reviews from our members are included in quotation marks for information. See what you think and we’d very much like to hear your feedback or receive your own suggestions for books (or music or online links) that have helped you.

Michael Rosen's Sad Book

Beautifully illustrated by Quentin Blake, this is a personal story of Michael Rosen's loss of his son, Eddie who died of meningitis in 1999, and his feelings. 

“Whilst it's a book you could read with a child, I actually felt reading it as an adult was very worthwhile too. Very poignant.”

Straight Talk about Death for Teenagers: how to cope with losing someone you love - Earl A Grollman.

The author is American and has written many books about bereavement.  Whilst the book covers deaths from various causes, including suicide, and a couple  of phrases such as reference to 'school counsellor' may not be quite the words used in the UK, the book is really direct, addressing painful subjects in an open and definitely non-patronising way.

“I've found it difficult to find books relevant to older teenagers, so this one is worth looking at.”

Missing Mummy by Rebecca Cobb.

Beautifully illustrated, this book looks at emotions from a small child's perspective, around the death of their Mummy, and confusion for the child as to where Mummy has gone.

“This book is very useful in looking at a difficult topic and difficult emotions.  I think I would be careful if I shared it with a child that had lost a close relative who was not their mum, in case they got confused and thought it was predictive that they would lose her too.”

The Book of Love and Loss: poems for today, edited by RV Bailey and June Hall.

This eclectic selection of poetry includes all sorts of deaths, including pets and receiving telegrams in WW1.

“With such a wide selection, there may well be some that resonate with you, if you find poetry helpful.”