Suicide Bereavement Support

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Seascapes and Dumfries architecture feature in fundraising exhibition

Hidden Dumfries, a new exhibition of photographs, featuring the work of former lecturer, David Moyes, has opened in The Stove Cafe in Dumfries. The 40 or so pictures in the exhibition show a different perspective on local architecture, and the movement of the water around the beaches of Dumfries and Galloway.

“I think the photographs reveal aspects of our buildings and our beaches which are perhaps less often noticed,” says David. “Hopefully, there will be a few familiar features in the exhibition as well as some subjects that are more surprising.”

visitors at the launch of the exhibition

Katie Anderson, Public Art Lead at The Stove Network says: "It's been a joy for us to be able to host David's exhibition here at the Stove Cafe. Tuesday evening was a really special occasion and it was good to be able to welcome everyone here to celebrate David's work and importantly raise some funds for an important cause."

David’s photographs are available for a donation of £50 each and the money raised will go to support the charity Suicide Bereavement Support (SBS) for Cumbria and the surrounding areas. Almost half of those in the exhibition sold by the end of the launch event but they all remain on display until the exhibition closes.

Blue is one of the seascape photographs by David Moyes and featured in Hidden Dumfries.

“I’ve put together the exhibition to help a charity that helped me and my family and I want to make people in this area aware of the help and support that is available,” says David. “I am very grateful to the team at The Stove Cafe for their ideas and hospitality and also want to thank the three key sponsors of Hidden Dumfries: Dumfries Camera Club; Dumfries Devorgilla Rotary Club; and The People’s Project. I really hope that, together, we can celebrate the hidden aspects of our beautiful town and coastline as well as raising a significant amount of money and awareness for an important cause.”

almost 50% of David’s images sold on the night of the launch, raising money for the work of SBS CUmbria

“The evening was beautifully organised, the photos looked great, and hospitality was excellent too,” says Emily Griffiths, Chair of the Trustees of SBS Cumbria. “It was obvious that a huge amount of work and thought had gone into it. As so often, we appreciated the chance to raise awareness around the impact of loss by suicide, and the support that’s available to those bereaved, as much the financial support. A huge thank you to everyone involved and to all those who came along or have visited so far.”

College Curve is one of the images featuring local architecture, also part of David Moyes’ fundraising exhibition at The Stove Cafe.

The Hidden Dumfries exhibition opened on Monday 20th February and runs until Saturday 4th March. It will be available to view during regular Cafe hours, 9am to 3pm Monday to Saturday, and the pictures are available for a £50 donation via The Stove.

Information about SBS Cumbria will be available within The Stove Cafe throughout the exhibition and additional donations can be made via the Just Giving Page at